Long Term Retreats

If you are looking for an encounter with yourself and the master plants of healing, a place of retreat where you can overcome a situation or problem in your life, because you are not able to move forward, we offer you the possibility to stay in our center. In Putumayo, with the power of the most untouched nature on the planet, therapy with Yagé and Taita’s guidance will help you to expand and develop your consciousness.
10 to 15 days a Yagé treatment takes place about every second day. The process is accompanied by our expert consultant for psychology and expanded states of consciousness and of course by experienced local Taitas.

Ayahuasca Healing Therapy

La Etnoterapia chamánica con Healing Therapy te ayuda a ver y percibir la vida desde una nueva perspectiva. El contacto con nuestras emociones recupera el flujo energético permitiendo que vivamos las relaciones con nosotros mismo y con los demás de una forma más auténtica. Es un proceso de limpieza físico y psicológico. Un proceso de reconexión con nuestra auténtica naturaleza.

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