I felt great comradeship and positive energy… Leer testimonio…

I felt great comradeship and positive energy from all of you. In return here is my good energy and good intentions your way. Also if you need any help with any Internet related business or project I would be happy to help.

Take care and share the compassion you received last weekend with all the loved ones around you.

I felt the presence of many entities around us including my late father, not speaking but hugging with love, compassion and protection. It was such an important closure for me which has been a cause of sadness for the last 16 years. Feeling his forgiveness and love changed many things for me at a very deep level.

It is such a great service to us all that the Shaman has travelled this far from his home land to share his wisdom with us. And also thanks to the assisting Shamans, they stayed awake and protected us as well. Itwassuch a lovelygroup.

Tony Harold, Canadian, 47 yearsold

Ayahuasca Healing Therapy

La Etnoterapia chamánica con Healing Therapy te ayuda a ver y percibir la vida desde una nueva perspectiva. El contacto con nuestras emociones recupera el flujo energético permitiendo que vivamos las relaciones con nosotros mismo y con los demás de una forma más auténtica. Es un proceso de limpieza físico y psicológico. Un proceso de reconexión con nuestra auténtica naturaleza.

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